TRIPLAN LITE glazed wall. Fire classification E - EI
Design category wood.
  • Triplan lite wood glasvaeg 09 800x500

    TRIPLAN LITE® | E - EI. Designkategori WOOD. Profiler med overflade i massivt, bæredygtigt FSC-certificeret egetræ. Design category WOOD. Runner with a surface in solid, sustainable FSC-certified oak.

  • Triplan lite wood glasvaeg 08 800x500

    TRIPLAN LITE® | E - EI. Designkategori WOOD. Profiler og dørkarm med overflade i massivt, bæredygtigt FSC-certificeret egetræ. Design category WOOD. Runner and door frame with a surface in solid, sustainable FSC-certified oak.


TRIPLAN LITE® | WOOD glazed wall system has runners, transoms and a door frame with a surface in solid, sustainable FSC-certified oak and is also available in other types of wood. An elegant fire-rated solution with an exclusive touch that is easy to install and easy to move and reuse.


Fire classification from E - EI 60*

A TRIPLAN LITE®  | E - EI  |  WOOD glazed wall ensures transparency, openness and flexibility in the layout providing an elegant and simple solution with fire classification from E - EI 60. Glass thicknesses up to 31 mm, depending on the fire rating wanted and the wall height.

* Requires approval from local fire department



Sections and door frames

The sections are available in heights of 30, 40 or 60 mm. Section depth depends on glass thickness. Doors are supplied as steel frame glass doors or wooden doors. TRIPLAN LITE® E - EI standard doors are M10 but also available in full height. Doors may optionally be equipped with electric strike plates, electric lock cases, door closers, panic bars etc. 




Get information about Triplan doors here




The standard for vertical joints in glass walls or glass corners is:

•   Both corners and vertical junctions are sealed with 4 mm fire rated clear joint.

•   Black glass edges and both corners and vertical junctions sealed with 4 mm fire rated black joint.

•   Narrow transoms in the same design as the other TRIPLAN LITE®-solutions.

Transparent glass junction
Glass junction with black sealant. TRIPLAN LITE | WOOD
Glass junction with wooden transom.
Wall type          Fire classification          Glass jointing          Vægtykkelse          Lydreduktion glas
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 30Clear fire-rated sealant52/59 mm39 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 60Clear fire-rated sealant59/66 mm40 - 43 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODE 30/EW 30Black fire-rated sealant59 mm39 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODE 60/EW 60Black fire-rated sealant59 mm39 - 42 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 30Black fire-rated sealant59/66 mm42 - 43 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 60Black fire-rated sealant66 mm43 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODE 30/EW 30Transom52/59 mm38 - 40 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODE 60 / EW 60Transom52 mm38 - 40 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODE 90 / EW 90Transom52 mm38 - 40 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 30Transom52/59 mm41 - 42 dB
TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOODEI 60Transom66 mm40 - 43 dB


TRIPLAN LITE®  |  E - EI  |  WOOD-detail drawings. Please contact Triplan.



glazed wall. Slim runners and doorframe in oak wood. Fire classification up to EI 60.
Glazed wall. Oak sections
Glazed wall. Oak sections.
Glazed wall. Oak sections.




Glazed wall system TRIPLAN LITE | 34 - 43 dB.
Glazed wall system TRIPLAN LITE | 46 - 50 dB.
Glazed wall system TRIPLAN LITE | ALU
Glazed wall system TRIPLAN LITE | NEW YORK is the classic glazed front completed with slim transoms that with an industrial look provides an edge to the decoration.
Glazed wall system TRIPLAN LITE | NEW YORK