Triplan is EN 1090 certified
EN 1090-1 is a harmonized standard for structural steel and aluminium constructions. European law requires that all construction materials must adhere to this standard and must be CE marked if a harmonized standard exists for the relevant component.
The purpose of this certification is to show that the manufacturer has the responsibility for that products used for structural steel and aluminium constructions are CE marked and are in compliance with European law.
The manufacturer ensures that the performance of the component is set according to the harmonized standard and that the component is submitted to a production inspection that must ensure that the declared performance is valid. The CE marking ensures at the same time that the construction materials can be used everywhere in the European Union.
Full traceability from mine to client
Triplan’s EN 1090 certification is your guarantee that Triplan ensures full traceability from mine to client and that Triplan provides CE-marked structural steel and aluminium constructions.
Triplan is prepared to meet the competition conditions of the future and this is an advantage for the clients.
Triplan emphasizes on quality and on being in charge of the entire process from development to production and delivery. Triplan is of the opinion that this provides the best foundation for confidence between the client and the supplier. A confidence that a.o. is maintained through internal audits and through frequent verifications that are performed by the certification authority. Such verifications are furthermore documented.
See EN-certificate here